Health Design Challenge


I’m honored to have participated in the presence of some outstanding designers in the Health Design Challenge which garnered over 230 entries from across the country, including top design firms like gravitytank opens a new window, Method opens a new window and Teague opens a new window. The challenge was how the medical record is presented. The purpose of this effort is to improve the design of the medical record so it is more usable by and meaningful to patients, their families, and others who take care of them. This is an opportunity to take the plain-text Blue Button file and enrich it with visuals and a better layout. Innovators will be invited to submit their best designs for a medical record that can be printed and viewed digitally.

The Design Objectives were:

  • Improve the visual layout and style of the information from the medical record
  • Create a human-centered design that makes it easier for patient to manage their health
  • Enable health professionals to more effectively understand and use patients’ health information
  • Help family members and friends

While my entry did not win an award, I was selected as one of the “Entries that inspired the judges and challenged the status quo” and thus featured on the main website. The winners can be seen here: opens a new window

My entry can be seen here: RobertLewis opens a new window

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